The Conjuring

This horror movie is based on the true story of the Perron family, who experienced unexplained ghostly activity in their home in Rhode Island in the ’70s. The family actually visited the movie set a few times, but could not convince Carolyn Perron to set foot near the place. Carolyn is the wife and mother in the family.
Strange events surrounded the making of the movie. Once, while the Perron family were on set, a strong wind came up and seemed to swirl around them. Members of crew standing nearby noticed that the trees just opposite themwere not moving. At the same time, Carolyn, who stayed home in Atlanta, felt a strange, evil presence in her house. The next moment she fell down and had to be taken to the hospital.
Things went from bad to worse. Just a couple days later, the hotel the actors and movie crew were staying in caught fire and everyone had to be evacuated.
James Wan, the director of the film, recalls working late in his office one evening when his dog started growling at something. Getting up to investigate, Wan couldn’t find anything that would antagonize the dog. However, the puppy kept growling and seemed to focus on an unseen entity across the room.
Vera Farmiga, who plays the role of a paranormal investigator in the movie, refused to take the script home with her as she said it made her feel uneasy. She also couldn’t read it at night because she became paralyzed by fear whenever she tried. She remembers opening her laptop once and seeingthree slashes across the screen, as if some creature had dragged its paw across it.