The Omen

Most people would agree that the kid who played the role of Damien in the 1975 version of The Omen was seriously creepy. The movie is seriously creepy, too. It relates the story of an American ambassador who gets the shock of a lifetime when he realizes that his son (Damien) is no ordinary boy. He just so happens to be the Antichrist.
Unfortunately, bad things didn’t only happen in the movie, but on set as well. In the Omen, Peck's character eventually have to kill his own son. The tragedies began when the son of Gregory Peck, who had the lead role,committed suicide two months before filming was scheduled to start.
When production started, a crew member was in a car accident. Luckily, he survived. Star Gregory Peck and the Screenwriter David Seltzer took two different planes in to the UK, and both planes were struck by lightning. And if that wasn't enough, Executive producer Mace Neufelds' plane from Rome was almost struck by lightning as well.
In a tragic turn of events, the crew decided to hire a private plane to use in a couple of scenes. However, their scheduled flight had to be postponed because a couple businessmen needed it. Just after takeoff, something went wrong and the plane crashed onto a road, hitting a car which then crashed at high speed into another vehicle killing all which included the wife and child of the jet's pilot who were in the second car.
The crew shot a scene at Windsor Safari Park including lions, that was eventually cut. The day they finished shooting with lions, a guard was killed by two of them. The best friend of William Holden was stabbed while they were on holiday. Also, the entire cast came down with a rare form of influenza, even though no outbreaks had been reported.
Director Richard Donner was even more unlucky, the hotel where he was staying was bombed by the IRA and he was also struck by a car.
Gregory Peck was almost the most unfortunate one when the plane he initially charted to Israel crashed, killed everyone onboard.. Peck had just before cancelled his seat.
Numerous members of the crew where in a car crash one day and special effects artist John Richardson were injured in an accident on the set of 'A Bridge too Far' and his girlfriend, during the same accident, was beheaded.. And rumour has it that when Richardson crawled out from the wreck he saw a road sign: Ommen, 66.6km
So yeah, there were several incidents, horrible and eerie and a wee bit too many incidents to be just coincidental. so maybe just really unlucky, or maybe cursed.