The Ghost at The Waverly Hills Sanitarium, Kentucky

Coughing up blood, over crowded, understaffed, bizarre unethical twisted treatments, “Welcome to Waverly Hills Sanatorium” – a medical facility that was once dedicated to treat patients suffering from Tuberculosis, long before the modern cure was discovered. Without the antibiotics, the hospital provided the only known cure at that time – fresh air and sunshine, and thus the patients spent the majority of their time in the solarium-like porch ways. There were many other unethical ways that were used to treat patients which were downright dangerous and only 5% patients survived the treatment. It is believed that as many as 8000 patient dead bodies were carelessly thrown down a chute and then taken out of the building through an underground tunnel. This method of disposing the bodies was kept confidential by doctor’s orders who wanted patients to be unaware of the quantity of dead bodies. But with the discovery of the antibiotic, that could successfully treat and cure tuberculosis, the sanatorium was closed down. Many believe that the spirits of the patients still roam about the hospital in search of answers.
The most famous being of a nurse named Mary Lee who happen to contract the disease. But the story takes a horrific twist when she was found hanging from a light apparatus in Room 502. Some believe she took her life after she found out that she was was pregnant with the child from one of the doctors and unmarried. Tragically her body lay undiscovered for a long time. The picture above is of the ghostly figure captured on camera, who is believed to be of Mary Lee….forever roaming the corridors of the hospital groaning in pain.