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Pedro Oliva Ramire

At around 11:00 PM on November 9, 1986, Pedro Oliva Ramirez claims he was driving from Seville, Spain to the town of Alcala de Guadaira. Being no stranger to this trek, it came as a shock when he allegedly went around a curve and found himself driving on an unfamiliar, straight, six-lane highway. He was surrounded by foreign structures and bizarre terrain. He felt a sensation of heat while a chorus of voices rang out in the distance. One voice stood out among the others, telling him that he had just been teleported to another dimension. The cars around him, which passed at intervals of exactly eight minutes, were outdated and either white or beige with dark, narrow rectangles for license plates.


After about an hour of confused driving, Ramirez found a turnoff to his left, where signs stood pointing to Alcabala, Malaga, and Seville. Ramirez began driving toward Seville, but when he stopped, he was astonished to find he was looking at his home in Alcala de Guadaira. When he retraced his steps, he could not locate the crossroads, the road sign, or the six-lane highway again.

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