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The Apple Time Slip

August 31, 2010. 


Jena Ray was just minutes from her home in Hollywood, CA, after a week-long trip.  All she needed to do was make a quick stop at the local CVS drug store. As she was leaving the store she walked past a rack of newspapers, one of the stories caught her eye.  The front page had a large headline and a picture of Apple CEO Steve Jobs.  Jena read the first couple of paragraphs of the story and left.


September 1, 2010.  


While speaking with her friend Tim on the phone, who happened to be an Apple fanatic, Jena ask him if he had heard the big announcement from Apple. Jena was rather surprised when Tim said he hadn’t heard any news about Apple for some time.  Jena then went on to tell him what she had read in the newspaper, Apple CEO Steve Jobs had unveiled the new 2nd generation of Apple TV.


September 3, 2010.  


Jena visited Tim at his home. As she walked through the kitchen she saw a newspaper lying on the table. When Jena saw the headline and photo, she instantly recognized the paper as the one she had seen on August 31st.  The paper however was dated September 2, 2010.


As her curiosity grew, Jena decided to call the newspaper and find out if the story was a reprint.  What she learned was that the Apple story was absolutely not a reprint, it could not have been.  Steve Jobs unveiled the Apple TV 2nd generation, on Wednesday, September 1st, the day after Jena had seen the newspaper at CVS.  The photo of Steve Jobs that accompanied the story, shown above, was taken at the event.

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