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The Green Children

During the Middle Ages, two bizzare children, a brother and sister, spontaneously appeared in the village of Woolpit in rural England. The pair was repordly found in a wolf pit wearing unfamiliar clothing, speaking an unknown language, and having green-hued skin.


Brought to the village, both hid and refused to eat for several days before discovering and eagerly devouring a store of raw beans. The young boy was sickly and died, but the young girl slowly recovered, lost her green-tinge, and learned to speak English.


She was eventually able to communicate that she had come from a land of twilight called St. Martin, where the sun never shone and everything was bathed in green.

The young girl's arrival from the exotic land, however, remained an enigma.

She could only recall tending to a herd of cattle with her brother before hearing a loud and sudden sound.

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